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Sunday, August 29, 2010

Father and Yogi

What does it mean to be a father? What does it mean to be a yogi? These are questions that I have been contemplating. Which is more important? Or, are they equally important? I have been struggling to find balance between the two. It reminds me of a story I heard in sutra class. The story is of Arjuna with his guru and classmates. The guru was teaching about concentration and how to shoot a bow with extreme focus of mind. Looking into a nearby tree, the guru saw a white bird with red eyes sitting at the top. Next, the guru asked each classmate what they saw. Some described the branches; others noticed how the wind was moving through the tree. Some didn't notice the tree at all; they described the sun and the blue sky. Each of the classmates was reprimanded. When the guru asked Arjuna what he saw, he replied "Guru, all I see is the red of the eyes like it was a bullseye for my arrow".  Arjuna had such an overwhelming sense of focus that he was unaware of the rest of his surroundings.
When I heard this story, I realized how focused I was on yoga and how unfocused I was on being a father. My life today does not have to be all or nothing. I really struggle with balance, but I do not have to pursue my dreams without regard to others. I can be a good dad and live the life of a yogi. By going to my mat every day, I become a better father. To me, being a good father involves being compassionate, loving, understanding, providing, comforting, accepting.  All of which, yoga has taught me. My dharma may be to show my daughter the peace and compassion I have learned. Or, maybe it is to lead her toward yoga so one day she may find her God through this practice. That seems like pretty important stuff!
How could you not want to be a good dad?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My whole life is different than before. It might as well be called a past life. I am a recovering Alcoholic/Addict  and I have been sober for over four years now. I cant explain the amount of gratitude that I have for my life. I lived on the streets now I live in a home. I lost my family as a result of my addiction and now I have that family back plus new additions. I just cant describe in words what that means. Amazing! ehh not good enough.  On the other side of things I have found a place in me where I am comfortable. I have done plenty of bad things..... If life were fair I would definitely not be writing this blog. Life is not fair and I am still here. From this tragedy it spawned a new way of life..... YOGA.   Over the past few years I have started on the path of yoga. This Blog is dedicated to my path of Ashtanga yoga and my trials of Recovery.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010