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Shala photo

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


My whole life is different than before. It might as well be called a past life. I am a recovering Alcoholic/Addict  and I have been sober for over four years now. I cant explain the amount of gratitude that I have for my life. I lived on the streets now I live in a home. I lost my family as a result of my addiction and now I have that family back plus new additions. I just cant describe in words what that means. Amazing! ehh not good enough.  On the other side of things I have found a place in me where I am comfortable. I have done plenty of bad things..... If life were fair I would definitely not be writing this blog. Life is not fair and I am still here. From this tragedy it spawned a new way of life..... YOGA.   Over the past few years I have started on the path of yoga. This Blog is dedicated to my path of Ashtanga yoga and my trials of Recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Taylor,

    So happy to see you blogging, sharing your experience and wisdom. I'll definitely be visiting and reading your blog.

    peace xoxo
